15 years ago
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Getting shots, as in vaccines, is a topic that comes up on a regular basis at our house. The kids tell us pretty much every day how they never want to get a shot again. They think that we need reminding, so they bring it up as often as possible. In the middle of dinner someone will mention "i don't ever want to get a shot ever again, ok mom?" Well, as much as they cried and pleaded I had to take them to get their shots. I explained to Britton that you have to get shots if you want to go to school and that seemed to help because he loves school! I overheard him trying to comfort Presley as she cried before her shots and it melted my heart! He said "Presley, do you want to go to Winnie School (the pre-school my mom does Presley every Wednesday)? Well If you want to go to Winnie School then you have to get your shots ok? It will only be like a little pinch and then it won't hurt anymore ok." Ahh! It melted me! Then I laughed out loud! Pretty sure that "Winnie" School doesn't require vaccinations! ha ha. So cute!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Pops Wright
Hooray Dorothy is Home!
Itches like a Cactus
For those of you who know my dear sweet little Britton McKay.......you know that he is EXTREMELY picky about his clothes. He has an excuse every day of why he can't wear a certain item of clothing that I pick out for him. We go through so many outfit choices each morning, and with each outfit he tells me what is wrong with a certain item. Today's excuses: I handed him a clean pair of underwear.....he puts them on and then immediately says as he is taking them back off of his body "these itch like a cactus." Err What? A cactus? Uh ok. So I handed him another pair of underwear, he put them on and then stood there for a minute like he was waiting for something to happen then said "these ones are ok." Then I bought him this heavier jacket to wear as it is getting colder and as I handed it to him to wear to school he said "I can't wear that jacket. Everyone will make fun of me if I wear that." It upset me and I, as a defensive mother asked why people would make fun of him for wearing this jacket. He said "Because its too puffy and other people don't wear puffy jackets." Great the kid comes out as Steven's twin but he gets my one worst quality of caring what other people think a little too much. The kid makes me laugh!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Today was a rainy day and we luckily had no plans and were able to stay inside. All day. At first that sounded like a dream come true. I have not been home all week so a day at home sounded perfect. BY about 11am the kids were bouncing off the walls, following Steven where ever he went (to the fridge, to the bathroom, etc.) and were getting pretty bored. For those of you who know our Presley, know that the girl is absolutely nuts! In a good way. She is hilarious! So after hours of kids bouncing off the walls, Steven finally asked, completely exhausted, "Presley why are you so crazy?" Her response with out even skipping a beat: "Cause I like to be Trazy!" Love her.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A Simple Prayer
Britton was asked to say the prayer tonight before bed. We try our hardest not to laugh when our children say their prayers and end up saying something funny but we just couldn't help ourselves when he so sincerely thanked Heavenly Father for the lamanites. Of all the things he could have said he was thankful for he chose the lamanites. Not mom or dad or his sisters. Nope the lamanites! Awesome!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Easily Entertained
Just after the babies were born, Steven spent a lot of time with Presley and Britton. He tried to get them out as much as possible for their sake and also to give me a chance to sleep without many interruptions. One day after an outing with Daddy they came home more excited than I had seen them in a long time. What was all the excitement about?... Goggles! Yep $2 goggles. Though at times we think that our kids need the newest, best and most popular toy on the market............stop to remember how easily entertained a child can be! When they walked into the house wearing their new googles, so proud, I could not help but laugh! It was hilarious! Presley had worn hers the entire way home from Walmart and they had fogged up on the way. That only made it funnier for me! I need to stop sometimes and enjoy the more simple things in life and not get caught up in the worldly things that I think that I "need." There is so much satisfaction to be found in the "small things" that life offers. Look for them and be grateful for all that you have.
All About Me- Britton Jones
Britton recently brought home a fun assignment that he did at school where the teacher had interviewed him and then wrote down his answers. I thought it was so precious! It melted my heart!
What is your Name?
How old are you?
What do you like to do at home?
play cars
What is your favorite toy?
hot wheels
What is your favorite store?
H.E.B (the grocery store!)
What is your favorite restaurant?
What do you like to do with Mommy?
play cars
What do you like to do with Daddy?
play outside
Do you ever get in trouble? yes
What did you do? pushing and hitting
What is your favorite song?
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
What is your favorite Movie?
Scooby Doo
Where do you live?
I don't rember
What scares you?
the dark (he gets that from me. I still am today!)
What do you wish to be one day?
a soccer player
What makes you special?
I play
Most days when I pick Britton up from school and I ask "what did you do today?" He immediately says "I don't remember." So I love it when he brings things home like this that I can look at and be a part of what he is learning at school. Britton is such a sweet little boy and I love him so much! He seems to be growing every day not just physically but also, mentally & socially. It has been so much fun to watch him grow into a "big kid." He is still a little boy who acts like a "little boy" often. But lately he seems to have matured in some ways over night. He is so helpful with his baby sisters and runs to get whatever I need for them. He talks so sweetly to them and when they cry he tries his hardest to comfort them. He loves jumping up and down in front of them, as they sit in their bounces seats, to see if he can make them laugh. And usually he can make them laugh harder than anyone else can. Their faces light up when Britton comes to play with them. I love when he smiles and I can see those precious dimples of his! I just love this little boy!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Just an Ordinary Day at the Jones household!
Britton stayed home sick from school today. He looks soo sick doesn't he? He has had fever and the stomach flu but Today he is feeling so much better and even got up for a while and played with Presley. Presley loves to change her clothes 100 times per day. This is one outfit out of about 50 so far today that she put together! (I had to put a lock on her closet because I got so sick of cleaning up her messes!) If we aren't going any where this is usually what Presley looks like: some random outfit that she has put together, princess shoes, crazy messy hair, and a smile! Love her and all her craziness!
Snake in the Nursery!
Horrible Horrible Experience! Steven and I had just given the babies their baths before heading over to my parents for Sunday dinner. We were walking into the baby's room when Steven stopped suddenly. I looked down and in the middle of the floor right next to the cribs was a huge ugly snake! What the heck! How in the world did a snake get into the baby's room that is on the second floor? After me and Steven both screamed like girls, I ran next door to grab my neighbor to get the snake for us. Cause there was no way I (or Steven) was going to get the snake! So our neighbor Mindy (who said that she was not afraid of snakes) came to save the day. Steven had stayed in the room while I went next door to try to keep the snake from leaving. He slithered under the cribs and then into the babies closet. Mindy walked in like a true hero. It only took about 5 seconds before she decided that she too was scared of this snake. So after much screaming by me, Steven and Mindy........I called another neighbor. Lane McKellar came walking down the street with his fly fishing boots on, a golf club in one hand and a bucket in the other. I started laughing so hard! He came in and immediately said "I'm really scared of snakes but I'll do what I can!" Great 4 adults, all scared of snakes, trying to capture a snake! This should be fun! After about 45 minutes the snake was captured. He left the most disgusting smell in the closet! Lane brought him outside to kill it. Mindy saw what Steven and Lane were about to do and threw a fit! "Dont kill the snake!" What?!!! Not kill the snake that was hiding under the baby's crib? The snake that somehow got into our housse and made its way upstairs? Are you kiding me? This turned into an arguement and though it was 3 against one on whether or not to Kill the snake...........Steven took it to a field and let him go. We didn't use the babies room for weeks and every time I would go in there to get something I had to check every little corner and under beds, etc. to see if there was another snake! Terrifying experience!
Brooklyn & Kennedy's Blessing Day
I knew that the day that the babies were blessed would be an emotional one for me. I bought them each a beautiful little white dress and Aunt Kristi made the cutest headbands for them to wear. They looked so beautiful. It was such a special day as both Steven's family and my family gathered together for the occasion. Steven first brought Kennedy up to the front of the Chapel and gave her the most beautiful blessing. The most emotional part for me was when he came back to our row to get Brooklyn and we switched babies. I cried! I watched him walk back up to the front with Brooklyn & I lost it! Brooklyn's blessing was completely different from her sisters and talked so much about the special relationship that she would have with Kennedy. Again.....I cried! We have wondered why the Lord needed to send these girls at the same time. We don't know the answer to that question but I think that as the years go by we will more clearly see why these girls came to earth at the same time, to be together. I am so grateful for Steven who holds the priesthood and was able to give our girls the most beautiful blessings.
In August we decided that we desperately needed a vacation. We had planned on going to South Padre until we looked at their prices and realized that they were outrageous for a Texas beach. Lets get real.......South Padre isn't as cool as they make it out to be. So we had kind of given up on our vacation plans all together when my cousin Shay's wife, Jenny, called and asked if we wanted to go to Destin Florida with them. I had never heard of Destin before but the price was right! After looking at pictures of Destin on the internet we were sold! It is gorgeous. Only problem in this was that we needed to leave in two days! Steven managed to get off work and I packed and planned a 12 hour car ride with 4 kids. I must admit I was a little nervous. This is where I now thank the TV Gods who invented car tv/dvd. Thank you so very much you saved our entire vacation! We actually enjoyed the drive to Destin with all 4 kids. At times it was a pain but over all we had such a fun time. We convinvced the kids to look for alligators pretty much the whole way through Lousinana which they thoroughly enjoyed! Once in Destin it was Heaven! The beaches are gorgeous. White sand and blue/green water. I could actually see my feet when I got into the water. So different from a Texas beach that looks a little more like chocolate milk than water! We rented a 4 bedroom house just one block from the beach. Each family only paid $250! You can't get any better than that. Most beach cities don't have much to do other than go to the beach but we loved Destin. They had any restaurant that you can think of (PF Changs, Ruby Tuesday, Chilis, etc. Plus all their local seafood places) They had great shopping and many fun amusement park type places. The kids were able to go to an alligator farm and pet baby alligators. The babies were only 2 months but did so good. We went to the beach every morning after breakfast and then again each afternoon after lunch & naps. They sat in their bouncy seats under an umbrella and slept. We are so excited that we found a new place to vacation! If you are thinking of going on a trip Destin is wonderful and if you wait until the 2nd week of August you can get amazing deals!
Photo Shoot
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